Carmen Krause-Bösterling
December 22, 2020

Crystal Cabin Meets... Episode 3

The future of flying experience

„Crystal Cabin meets… – the podcast where aircraft interiors experts talk about latest trends, success stories and the industries’ future. Compiled by the Crystal Cabin Award, the only international award for excellence in aircraft interior innovation.Shortly before this extraordinary year 2020 comes to an end, we meet one of our Crystal Cabin Award Judging Panel Members Prof Peter Vink from the Delft University of Technology, and Mark Broekhans, Technical & working process engineer with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Our conversation revolves mainly around the future of flying focusing the Flying-V concept. This Episode is curated by Carmen Krause-Bösterling, Project Lead Crystal Cabin Award & Lukas Kaestner, Head of Marketing & PR at Hamburg Aviation and at Crystal Cabin Award Association.

The Episode is here: Spotify,iTunes (Apple Podcasts) and on

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